Thursday, September 10, 2009

World Indices from 07/09/09 to 11/09/09

Bull Rally? Bear Rally?
*$* Last week the world stock market indices were at their critical supports and all of the indices rebounded from their critical supports.
*$* This week we can see the world stock market indices are all testing their important resistants. The question is can they do it?
*$* The market volume plays an important role now to determine how strong this rally will be. As most of the indices are testing their important resistants, a strong volume is needed to boost the Bull Rally.
*$* If the indices are not able to break their important resistants, a minor healthy correction will be expected next week.

Dow Jones Monthly Chart

Dow Jones Daily Chart
*Daily Chart Resistant @9645 points

ShangHai Daily Chart
*Daily Chart Resistant @3008 points

Hang Seng Index DAily Chart
*Daily Chart Resistant @21221 points

FBMKLCI(Kuala Lumpur Composite index)

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